Have you ever wondered where your life is going? Ever sat back and had the thought, “is this what my life is supposed to look like?” If you have said, “Yes”, then what are you doing about it? If life isn’t what you envisioned it to be, and you believe that there is more in you for bigger things, and that the talents and gifts you have access to are being placed on HOLD, then what are you waiting for?
Or better yet, what is it you are avoiding, what is it that is making you unhappy, what is it that is keeping you stagnant and preventing you from moving forward?
I have been asking myself these questions for years. The thing that gets me is the MIRROR. Each year I look into it, and I have aged, but have I aged well? Or aged with regret?
So I started to make different choices:
In 2002, I weighed 254 lbs, I now weigh 198 lbs. I pay attention to my diet as well as working out at least 5x’s a week.
In 2003, I was putting off owning a house. I stopped renting and bought one.
In 2004, I was putting my life on hold. I decided to get out of the military after 7 years so I could pursue other goals.
In 2005-2010, I was putting off cleaning the reflection in the mirror. I let it get foggy, dirty, and blurry. What I saw was not the man that I was nor that I wanted to be. I lost faith.
In 2011, I was putting off my faith, I restored it.
In 2012, I was putting off starting a business, I started G.H.O.S.T.
In 2013, I was putting everything into me (taking more than I gave), and now I put into others (Give more than I take).
In 2014, I was putting off speaking. I now speak whenever I am asked to, even on short notice.
In 2015, I was putting off the development of my website. It is now being developed and has been developed.
In 2016, I was putting off a healthy relationship and accepting the clown(s). I went for the ringmaster and haven’t look back.
In 2017, I was putting off leaving my full-time employment and taking that risk on me. I finally jumped and started www.jesseswoyer.com. That was the best decision of my life!
In 2018, I was putting off commitment to that healthy relationship. I proposed...my oh my.
In 2019, my wife and I were married on September 7, 2019.
In 2020, our worlds were placed on hold during the pandemic. This moment allowed me to augment executive fitness into my offerings and services.
In 2021-2023, I put off a lot of things...moments and opportunities, speeches and relationships, my fitness and sanity. Sometimes we need to lose ourselves in order to find ourselves again. Mirrors don't lie as who are we fooling.
In 2024, the complications, pressures and difficulties of operating your business and putting on a clown face finally wore on me and my relationship....I sought our counseling with the encouragement of my wife and a dear Profast Friend, we will see where this takes me, fingers crossed for the balance we all seek.
I also was revitalized to improve my own fitness, making time for my routines and the health of my body.
I challenge each of you to reflect into that mirror. Grab a blank sheet of paper and pen, and start writing down what you aren’t content with, what has made you start accepting mediocrity, what is preventing you from moving forward, and what is that one thing that you keep putting off that prevents that MIRROR from shining?
Circle that one thing that is stopping you and go get GRINDIN’.